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When are text edits applied?

Text edits get applied when you pull the changes to your local source code or merge a pull request from the GitHub action. They’ll then be available at your test / preview environment upon your next release.

Can I use rich-text formatting with Stringtale?

Yes, there are various formatting options available. Check the documentation for your framework on how to achieve this.

Can I use string interpolation with Stringtale?

Yes, Stringtale is compatible with string interpolation. String interpolation uses the Intl.Messageformat notation. You can find more about how to use this in the documentation of your framework.

Why should I use on my test / preview environment rather than production?

The Stringtale integration handles authentication through an API key on the server. There is no authentication for individual users editing text at this moment. This means that anyone with access to the website (on your test / preview environment) can edit the text. It’s therefor recommended that you use a secured test / preview environment to avoid unauthorized usage. On production the STRINGTALE_API_KEY environment variable isn’t present and the the integration will be disabled.

Is Stringtale open source?

Stringtale is partially open source. The framework integrations, the CLI and the GitHub action are open source. The back-end server however is properietary.